Sunshine Stream

Anthony Waller is master of the subtly nuanced play of rain-blurred light, dappled through the treetops and twinkling on the rippling stream.
A beautiful piece of art for your home or work space.
Only available to pick up at the gallery, we are also happy to deliver locally at no charge.



Anthony Waller is master of the subtly nuanced play of rain-blurred light, dappled through the treetops and twinkling on the rippling stream.
A beautiful piece of art for your home or work space.
Only available to pick up at the gallery, we are also happy to deliver locally at no charge.


Dimensions: 62x34x3cm / 24x13x1inch
Colour: Mixed
Material: Polyester canvas, Polyurethane frame, metal hanger
Features: Framed wrapped canvas
Artist: Anthony Waller

#mikeisaacportraiture #giftideas2022 #interiordesign #shoplocal #clydach #swansea